Audra Krell

On Purpose

Halfway to Each Other


This is the best book I have read in a long time. On the brink of divorce, Susan and her husband Tim pack up their California home and their two children and head to Italy for a year. Giving up all American comforts (even Cheetos and Oreos!) Susan and her family discover that they've always had all they ever needed, each other.
In her debut book  Halfway to Each Other, Pohlman brings it home. Susan captures the heart of everyone who has struggled with marriage, relationships and the deepest questions of their soul. This powerful and humorous story is a great companion for the well traveled road of life. 
My marriage is the best it has ever been, and yet Halfway to Each Other inspires me to work harder to make it even better. It's been two months since I've read the story and many times I've mentally packed our bags for Italy, with Costco sized containers of Oreos of course. Our family doesn't have to move to a foreign land to find each other though, we can apply Pohlman's inspirational principles to our own lives, right here in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

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10 thoughts on “Halfway to Each Other

  1. This sounds like a great read – I’ve got a stack of 13 that I’m working my way through. And the stack never gets smaller because I keep adding new books to the top of the pile!

  2. Sounds like a really great book all couples should read, especially if things are feeling less then great! I will add it to my fall reading list. Thanks for the review.

  3. Audra,
    This really does sounds like a great book. Even in the midst of good times, it’s good to remember that marriage is still something we have to keep working at, and being mindful of. Thank you, Audra, for sharing this here…

  4. Gosh, I’ve never heard of that book but based on what you wrote and how it’s still affecting you two months later, I think I’d like to read it!
    I can’t imagine what it would be like on the brink of divorce to take a trip — such a big one, at that. I’m adding this book to my wish list. Thank you, Audra!

  5. Audra:
    I can’t thank you enough for reading our story and posting such a beautiful review! Hope to see you at our launch party at Grazie in Old Town Scottdale on 10/15 from 5PM-7PM. Come celebrate with us!

  6. All of you will enjoy this book. And Megan, you haven’t heard of it because it’s not out yet! : ) I hope your wishes come true….
    @Susan, I’m so disappointed. We will be out of town when the party happens. I would have loved, loved, loved to be there! Wishing you tremendous success with this fabulous book!

  7. At a time when several friends of ours are going through painful divorces, this book may give me some light.

  8. I can’t wait to read it. It looks great.

  9. Thanks for the referral! Since I don’t read much fiction, I seem to only read fiction referrals lately. This one sounds really good.

  10. Hey Julie! Great to see you here. This book is nonfiction, that reads like a beautiful fiction story. You are going to love it, let me know if you read it! Better yet, let Susan know your thoughts!

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