Audra Krell

On Purpose

Laptop in the Kitchen

Works_for_me_wednesday This Wednesday is a theme edition over at Shannon’s blog.  We have to give our best tip as to what works for us in keeping the kitchen organized.

We keep an old laptop in the kitchen.  It’s in perfect view of everyone walking by, so there’s no illegal Internet surfing! We use it to help with homework and to look up phone numbers.  The biggest things we use are Google Docs and Cozi to keep the whole family updated on events we have throughout the week.  We put our grocery list on Cozi and my husband can access the family calendar from work.

When I am more organized overall, I can keep my kitchen better organized in general. Organization on any level, works for me. 

Don’t forget to check out and enter my giveaway from Monday’s post.

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18 thoughts on “Laptop in the Kitchen

  1. Audra – so funny that we both wrote on the same kind of thing & got the #1 and #2 spots. We like google docs but I haven’t used Cozi – will have to check it out.

  2. Great tip! Our last house had a kitchen big enough to put the office in a corner; we kept Outlook up and running all the time. I loved having a computer in a main space that was easy access. Blessings, Whitney

  3. Seriously, I was thinking this very thing tonight! In my dreams, I’d love to have a mounted screen and keyboard (I’ve seen something like this in a hospital) that’s up and out of the way. I don’t have a ton of counter space, so this would be ideal! I do occasionally bring in an older laptop. It’s nice to check email while kids are snacking!

  4. Woohoo, girl! You got #1 on WFMW. 🙂
    Love your tip. I need to do something like that. 🙂

  5. Great idea on the Cozi! I use my laptop on my kitchen counter most days. Like last night googling my recipe! why print out! 🙂

  6. Jennifer on said:

    I love having my computer in my kitchen–except at 5:00 when I’m trying to get dinner and DS and all his friends are trying to play Lego Star Wars! I had never heard of Cozi–what a great idea.

  7. My laptop is in our kitchen too, but looks like I could be using it more!

  8. Hmmm… I have never heard of Cozi. I’ll have to check it out. I’m all for a better place to keep my grocery list!

  9. I just got completely sidetracked by your tip! My laptop is in the kitchen, also and I had never heard of Cozi. I just spent the last 20 minutes signing up and getting my whole life on there. Thanks for the tip!

  10. I like that idea! We have a computer in the room next to the kitchen – for the kids to use. Works well, and is in the open (I’m a big proponent of keeping it in the open, as opposed to in a bedroom, etc). I’ve never heard of Cozi, now I’ll have to check it out!

  11. I will have to check Cozi out.
    I love all the tips you find out on Works for me Wednesday. Thanks!
    I have two blog post this Tuesday. Photos of our typical morning on my personal blog at and an explanation of Changes at my homeschool blog

  12. Neat idea! I haven’t heard of Cozi either. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I am a computer nerd so now I am fully intriqued about Cozi!

  14. Now I just need to get a laptop! 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by.

  15. This is a great help for us too! I have considered using Cozi but haven’t tried it yet, maybe now I will.

  16. That’s pretty cool. Can you set it up to brew a pot of coffee and make pancakes every morning? 😉

  17. I don’t think I could function without a laptop in our kitchen! I use it for recipes, checking emails, moderating comments, updating my husband’s work schedule, checking random facts for my 9 year old…the list is endless!

  18. I recently got a laptop and one of the (many) things that I love about it is being able to have it in the kitchen — for recipes, looking up things for school, surfing while keeping an eye on whatever might be on the stove or in the oven. I love it!

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