Audra Krell

On Purpose

Archive for the tag “Happy Dreams”

Happy Hospital Dreams

Portrait of happy woman doctor

Only a few dreams haunt me. I remember with startling clarity a terrifying dream from my childhood and I have yet to decipher what it means. I suspect I never will. It’s so scary that I hope to never get acquainted with the meaning by living out the dream.

Then there was a prophetic dream five years ago, foretelling of a medical tragedy two people continue to struggle with today. (That is for another post as I can’t publish it here until after it’s hopefully published in a story compilation book.)

Last night though, I had a happy dream. I was the only nurse caring for at least 8 babies in a hospital. Which I confess is based off the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. I realize the fact that I still watch that show is a confession I shouldn’t make here or really anywhere. But back to the happy dream of being the only caregiver in a stressful NICU, I realized this morning that I cared for the babies all night and was not stressed. I was happy. Blissfully happy.

During my run this morning it became clear that I’ve had many dreams about caring for people in a hospital. In every  one of them it was hard and exhausting work, but overall, I’m wildly happy in that setting. Wildly happy I tell you.

Further this morning it came to light, that God speaks in these happy hospital dreams. I’ve spent my life asking God to reveal my purpose, my direction, what I should do with my life. I’m certain that He has whispered to me in many dreams over the years. There is no doubt that the happiness I experience in dreams and especially in real life medical settings is a gift from Him.

Caring for all of God’s people is a calling, a purpose, an upward direction and definitely what I should do with my life.

If I can show the love of Christ with a smile, a nod of understanding and a gentle healing touch then I believe I’m at the center of His will. There is not a happier place to be.

Does God speak to you through your dreams? What has He revealed to you?

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